Rhenass and Crammag Rivers
Fantastic session yesterday on Rhenass River at Druidale. I spent far too much time having fun with the, more than willing, local population of brownies.
So I park up by the feeder stream and spot a couple of little fella's darting out from under the bank to grab food items.
Of course I had to have a cast. First cast and out he pops and grabs the fly. Serious black fish.
Still on the feeder stream I bag another, not quite as black but still very dark.
They really want the dries.
Another little chap came out from under the banks to grab the fly.
I did miss some really big fish due to over excitement and striking too soon after the appeared from under the bank or a rick and grabbed the fly. The clear waters meant stealth was the name of the game and thank goodness I had my new knee and shin guards on.
Reaching the big plunge pool I set off, cross country, to my main target the Crammag River. Nearly getting lost in the boggy ground a few times I eventually got into the valley. Damn! I thought I might be able to get in from this side. Certainly not as far to walk, with plenty of fish ion the way, but the valley sides are as steep as the climb out of Sulby Reservoir.
Pushing on I went a quarter of the way in and was not feeling too secure on my feet so stopped. Time was short and the climb out looked more like an airlift would be preferable.
There is good water down there that I am sure holds fish.
Beaten by round 2. I still have one more cunning plan to get to this water. I will not be beaten!
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