Cornae River
Cornae River has a good run of sea trout and salmon as well as a healthy population of brown trout. It's been a while since I've fished this river and the first time I've fished it all the way from the sea pool upto the main pool at the top. In the past it's been a bee line for the pool with a margarine tub full of worms.
The first runs proved totally unproductive but they look so good!
Once round the bend from this pool the Cornae River opens out as it flows through the meadows. Some extensive work has been done to stabilise the banks with rocks in wire cages. These cages eat flies if you vast too tight!
My first hit came round the next bend beyond the cages.
It was a beautiful salmon smolt. Bright silver with a sharply v'd tail. I was about to take it's picture when it spat the hook and lept for freedom back into the river. Ah well... hopefully there will be more to come.
Pickings were hard with only small fishing coming to the hand.
I soldiered on with easy casting in the meadow. Well, it would of been easy without the head wind. I'm blaming that for the lack of fish. Once out of the meadow the trees and bushes do crowd in and casting is reduced to bow and arrow until you reach the main pool.
There was a massive hatch of flies all over the pool but nothing coming for them. I think the two rather damp looking lads I saw earlier must have been swimming. It's a popular spot for a dip.
About face and back to the car, fishing down and across. I picked up the odd fish here and there. Once at the bottom of the river there was a run under the bridge I disturbed as I went upstream. Now was the chance to attack it properly. Six fish came out of it and one decent fish of about eight inches which slipped away just before I could net it.
What I thought was a disappointing trip was redeemed at the close. However, I'm not sure where the bigger fish are hiding. Perhaps a little entomology and a closer match to the nymphs might of tempted them. I'll have something in the box next time!
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